jenkins with vault
2024년 9월 9일약 4 분
jenkins with vault
jenkins와 vault를 연동하여 pipe line에서 kv 사용하기
이 예제는 진짜 kv까지만 테스트함
# approle 엔진 생성
$ vault auth enable approle
# kv2 enable
$ vault secrets enable kv-v2
# kv enable
$ vault secrets enable -path=kv kv
# jenkins 정책으로 될 파일 생성 v1, v2
$ tee jenkins-policy.hcl <<EOF
path "kv/secret/data/jenkins/*" {
capabilities = [ "read" ]
path "kv-v2/data/jenkins/*" {
capabilities = [ "read" ]
#jenkins 정책 생성
vault policy write jenkins jenkins-policy.hcl
#approle 생성 및 정책 jenkins에 연결
vault write auth/approle/role/jenkins token_policies="jenkins" \
token_ttl=1h token_max_ttl=4h
#Role id, secret id 가져오기
vault read auth/approle/role/jenkins/role-id
vault write -f auth/approle/role/jenkins/secret-id
vault secrets enable -path=kv kv
$ tee gitlab.json <<EOF
"gitlabIP": "",
"api-key": "RjLAbbWsSAzXoyBvo2qL"
tee gitlab-v2.json <<EOF
"gitlabIP": "",
"api-key": "RjLAbbWsSAzXoyBvo2qL",
"version": "v2"
vault kv put kv/secret/data/jenkins/gitlab @gitlab.json
vault kv put kv-v2/jenkins/gitlab @gitlab-v2.json
v1 pipe line
# jenkins pipe line v1
def secrets = [
[path: 'kv%2Fsecret/data/jenkins/gitlab', engineVersion:1, secretValues: [
[envVar: 'gitlabIP', vaultKey: 'gitlabIP'],
[envVar: 'API_KEY', vaultKey: 'api-key']]],
def configuration = [vaultUrl: '', vaultCredentialId: 'vault-approle', engineVersion: 1]
pipeline {
agent any
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '20'))
stage('Vault') {
steps {
withVault([configuration: configuration, vaultSecrets: secrets]) {
sh "echo $gitlabIP"
sh "echo ${env.API_KEY}"
sh "curl -v $gitlabIP"
v2 pipe line
# jenkins pipe line v2
def secrets = [
[path: 'kv-v2/jenkins/gitlab', engineVersion:2, secretValues: [
[envVar: 'gitlabIP', vaultKey: 'gitlabIP'],
[envVar: 'API_KEY', vaultKey: 'api-key'],
[envVar: 'version2', vaultKey: 'version']]]
def configuration = [vaultUrl: '', vaultCredentialId: 'vault-approle', engineVersion: 2]
pipeline {
agent any
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '20'))
stage('Vault') {
steps {
withVault([configuration: configuration, vaultSecrets: secrets]) {
sh "echo ${env.API_KEY}"
sh "echo ${env.version2}"
sh "curl -v ${env.gitlabIP}"